Tuesday 22 August 2023

Don't Spoil the Fun

It’s annoying when someone spoils the ending for you. It’s a secret that must be discovered by itself. That moment when you haven’t seen it but when everyone else knows what to expect can be so frustrating, but everyone has should have the same opportunity to learn it by following the same path. Often you can benefit from a shortcut, but it still ruins the journey and emotional turmoil. There’s a lesson to be learnt or a discovery to be made, and taking the shortcut may ruin the experience, although sometimes it’s nice to be spared the pain or inconvenience depending on the situation. But in general, those in the know can be equally delighted by the reaction of those who have been surprised when they discover the knowledge, though a few may be frustrated that they hadn’t discovered it sooner. And some may have forgotten their previous experience. It’s all part of the journey.

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