Saturday 12 August 2023

A Summer Song

It starts off with a happy generic guitar jingle that you’ve probably heard before in children’s programmes that’s written to dub a character’s song. You know it’s going to be short and sweet and all you need to do is bob along to the music. But that’s all you can hear. She’s in tune when she sings along to the music but she’s overwhelmed by the sound and you can’t really make out the lyrics, especially when she stretches out the words at the end of each line. You know that’s a happy and positive song and everything rhymes but that’s all you can make out. There’s probably something about sunshine and being outside featured in it somewhere. The beach is also featured, which isn’t good news if you’re confined to your home. But it does make you sit and ponder as to what the missing words are and it could encourage you to make up your own.

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