Friday 11 August 2023

System of a Down

Bugger. The system has failed so this means you’ve got more work to do. Fortunately, all it means is that there’s no reception and you just need to fill in a form when you return to the store. Unless the internet’s down which means that the form won’t get sent. You could call someone but if their internet’s down then they won’t be able to do anything either other than write the reference number down to update when later, which is what you’ve already done. Things can get very complex if loads of people need to access the same system. But if we didn’t, we’d either have a very long wait while someone flicks through a book or we’d need someone with a very good memory. And now they’re trying to taker the phones away to totally rely on the broadband. Hope we don’t get any emergencies. A text just doesn’t convey a sense of panic.

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