Thursday 3 August 2023

Buttons Investigates #Sherduck 3

It's body wasn’t a pretty sight. He’d seen plenty of roadkill before where animals had been squashed by those shiny boxes that the humans liked to transport themselves in but this was something different. No metal box would be able to get through the stone walls in here unless the body had been oved for sone reason. Each part had been cut out and had been re-inserted into a different joint of the body. It was sadistically comical in a way, almost as if it was a warning that there was something even more cynical to follow. But what?

‘Not yet sir. There’s a family of ducks with some newly hatched ducklings in the river over the hedge, but I haven’t been able to quack at them yet.’

‘Be sure that you do before we leave. We want everyone accounted for.’

‘Righto sir. And what will you do?’

‘Consider the impossible. The body has deliberately been moved; no animal would choose to leave their work out in the open. Of course, the victim could have been killed by a third party and we might have a sadistically graffiti artist on our hands but we must not waste time Buttons. There are deductions to be done!’

‘Very good sir.’

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