Friday 25 August 2023

All the Ducks in a Row #Sherduck 5

Buttons peered over the hedge where Sherduck was busy organising a line of constables to do a sweep. A box of gloves were being passed down and some of them had brush sticks under their wings. He sighed. This never achieved anything. All it was was a display for the public to look as if they were doing something. The constables were under a strict regime not to speak to each other as they moved through the line but they’d still mutter the odd comment, usually about their oddball detective. Back in the canal, Jimmy had just leapt back into the water and was swimming between his siblings enthusiastically. He wondered if this excitable young duckling had seen anything. He’d have to get him away from his mother first. Maybe an opportunity would arise after  talking to the local crackpot.

‘Okay Madam, thanks for your time’ said Buttons. He flew over to the other side of the canal and landed on a mooring post.


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