Wednesday 2 August 2023

Ticket to Ride #dreamdiary 159

I’ve been riding a bus to the town centre. I can’t remember where I’ve been but my next port of call is a ten-minute walk home. There seems to be groups of people wearing hi-vis pink jackets at every exit who are asking to see tickets. When I boarded the bus I wasn’t issued with one because I boarded at a stop in the countryside and the driver couldn’t reception for the card reader to work so he just waved me on. I don’t really want to walk past the jacketed people without explaining that I haven’t paid, then I wonder if they actually witnessed me getting off the bus. As it’s a public throughfare I believe that they can’t stop me from exiting the area especially if I’ve spent my time browsing in the shops above. I leave and explain that I’ve been for a meal in a restaurant and they let me through. Hooray for half-arsedness, I think. But as I walk down the road, there’s one woman who just won’t let me pass despite me reciting my earlier reason. Is she onto me? And just where do her powers of jurisdiction end? 

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