Wednesday 30 August 2023

Central Heating #Titannabell 16

Titannabell looked at the view in front of her. ‘That’s a bit small, don’t you think? The belt’ she added as she realised that the guard she had addressed had begun to turn red in the face while his colleague was struggling to keep a straight face. ‘Oh come here’ she said as she lay down which caused the whole building to wobble. Specks of dust and loose mortar came down from the ceiling and both guards thought there may have been a cracking sound from some of the slabs in the floor. ‘Leave that tin hat on, it helps to keep me cool’ she said. Titannabell lifted him up and placed his head between her breasts and he couldn’t see much else. A minute ago the princess was complaining of being too cold, but he knew better than to correct her. He wondered if his colleague was about to get involved.    

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