Sunday 6 August 2023

A Justified Punishment for being banned on a School Bus

How do you punish a bully? Carers can only do so much to make a real impact so it ultimately comes down to the people that provide for them to stop them from being so entitled. Rather than take an extra responsibility which increase her sense of entitlement as it would look like that she’s being chauffeured, the parents have decided to make her walk to school instead. Of course there’s nothing to stop the child from making her own arrangements provided that she’s connected enough to fund it or make her own arrangements. They might have friends or a stash of pocket money to rely on. But there’s also a risk that anything can happen to an unsupervised child. The parents have then gone one step further and have ‘advertised’ their punishment on social media to demonstrate their parenting skills, which just makes the child even more exposed with less chance of redemption. But at least the lesson has given the pupil a sense of responsibility towards her fellow pupils.

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