Thursday 31 August 2023

Meadow in the Middle

It’s amazing what you can find in the middle of a housing estate sometimes. There’s a green area that’s cared for and you don’t have t pay for it and just hope that it won’t get misused. We park at the community centre where not much is going on at the moment for obvious reasons. A kissing gate leads us into a field where there’s an information board, and we have to choose which direction we want to take. We make our way along the nature trail through the marsh and into the woodland. Occasionally we take a wrong turn and head onto the outside concrete path, but we can just follow the footpath towards the next kissing gate. At one point we follow a boardwalk that crosses the marsh, and there’s cows kept on the other side. We don’t want to miss out on anything and backtracked on ourselves, even to find it’s just a stream flowing through a wood.

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