Thursday 10 August 2023

Food Shopping #empress 16

‘Hmm, a pig in blankets’ said the Empress. She grabbed the man’s robes and lifted him high in the air. The man dangled towards the ground like a performing acrobat. He came to a halt suddenly and the shock of it forced him to tumble out of his robes and onto the ground. The Empress picked him up by his feet and without even meeting the man’s gaze she inserted him into her mouth. Zhong realised that he was the last man that this man saw before he entered a tunnel of pinky darkness, yet Zhong was powerless to do anything about it. A few moments passed and Zhong felt that the pillows around him were beginning to tighten as if they were expanding somehow.

‘Right then. The eviction. Are we finally in place?’

‘Yes my Empress. We’re clear of the city. The Zhong residence is about a mile from here.’

‘Excellent. It’s finally time to have some fun.’

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