Sunday 27 August 2023

Insect Spotting

My mind eludes me as to what might be the subject of this photograph. This might just be a quick fumble of a finger placed over the camera button. A simple action which would have been costly in an earlier time of photography but with today’s technology it can just be undone with the touch of a button (after it’s sat around in your cloud for thirty days while also be automatically downloaded onto your hard drive). But there could have also been something interesting perched amongst the bushes, or even in between them. A flower in bloom, a butterfly perhaps, or maybe even a dragonfly. There’s something on the middle lower left that could resemble something with wings. It’s either well camouflaged or it’s moved quick enough to escape the lens into the bushes. Or maybe there was just too much focus going on and the button was pressed at the wrong time.

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