Thursday 17 August 2023

Milling Around

The last stretch of footpath descends through a farm where a small watchful dog makes sure that you don’t stray from the path. Here, you reach a road back to the village, or there are other footpaths to extend your walk if you can find other ways back. But if you turn right and head towards a stream, you can follow the river back towards where you started. It’s not the most glamourous of returns as you pass a sewage works, but once that’s over you can follow the river back through some fields, and you may even see some avian spectacles. The land is quite open and occasionally it’s used for grazing but the paths are quite worn and distinguishable. You may even want to take a dip as the river is usually quite low here. But when you’re ready to finish, just head north-east and you’ll reach a kissing gate which leads you back to the road corner by the church.

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