Saturday 5 August 2023

The Interview #Sherduck 4

‘Excuse me madam, could I have a moment of your time?’

‘Well what is it? I’ve got my wings full enough as it is looking after this lot.’

I just wanted to ask you a few questions; there’s a police incident that’s occurred over the hedge.’ Some of the ducklings stretched their heads to see if they could make out anything upon hearing this news. ‘Firstly, do you live in this area?’

‘Yes, that’s our nest over there.’

‘Thank you. Has everyone been accounted for lately? Is there anyone who’s gone missing or has been acting in a suspicious manner?’

‘Well, I’m not a grass but I haven’t seen anything to worry about. No-one that I’d miss anyway. Birds are still chirping and there’s nothing out of the ordinary. Sergeant Quackers over there is still sulking about his squad deserting him but he refuses to abandon his post. Says the humans are going to take overs and stops them from feeding-JIMMY COME BACK INTO THE WATER!’

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