Monday 14 August 2023

What was it like to be a child of a Mobster living in Chicago in 1920?

You’re innocently playing in your childhood home when there’s a knock at the door. In walks a group of men in suits and you suddenly feel unwelcome. You’re asked to stop what you’re doing and move to another room. You have to make yourself scarce. These people would stay up late into the night with no effort to conceal themselves and you can hear them talking. Their odour lingers after they have gone. You find yourself delivering little errands for the family without knowing what they are or the consequences of them. Others begin to fear you. Your father spends more time away from you at night. You try to stay up late waiting to see if he comes home safe. On the one occasion that you do something wrong, you will suffer. You may also be used as collateral and have to pay for someone else’s mistake. But at least you have a nice house with fine things and a wardrobe full of smart and fashionable clothes.

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