Saturday 26 August 2023

My Muslim Daughter wants to marry a Hindu boy

It’s the classic Romeo & Juliet story. You could just add some saris and turn it into a Bollywood musical. So unless the boy’s got something wrong with him or there’s a huge age difference then what’s wrong with that? If the two people are willing to make sacrifices to make it work then why not let them? Traditions might be broken but sometimes that’ s how people evolve. Depending on the time period, it could cause riots or a mere second glance in the name of progress. You could protest the union but it doesn’t necessarily mean that you have the authority to ensure that it doesn’t go ahead. Banning the action could cause the union to become even stronger. But spending time to ensure that they care for each other and are well supported . You’ll also enjoy watching them grow and develop as they try to work thing out for themselves.

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