Tuesday 11 July 2023

Letby Letdown

It’s a terrible shame that someone that looks so innocent and trusting has been found guilty of murdering seven babies. It’s taken time to get this resolved so that conclusive evidence can be gathered and not lead any mishap to account. Of course the individual should face the full extent of the law. But the shocking thing about it is how the system has allowed this former nurse to continue practising after not one but seven incidents. Where’s the accountability? It just looks as if no-one cares, especially Letby who managed to avoid being present during her sentencing. It’s as close to a public shaming session that our courts will allow, and now we’ll have to hope other criminals do it for us. Of course, for her safety, there’s always the option of changing her name once she’s admitted, but she may still be recognisable. And it’s incidents like this that force people to be more protective as they place less trust in institutions.

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