Tuesday 4 July 2023

Green green grass

So what exactly is a sward? Apparently it’s an area of short grass which makes sense when you visit the place as there’s a few patches around in between lampposts and alongside the long stretches of the side of houses in between the junctions. But what other colours of grass are there? You might expect yellow or grey in the summer if there’s a drought, and the council might have undergone a special pledge to keep the grass green here all year round for its namesake (which is handy in the event of snow). But other colours would be something out of a science-fiction scene, though it would certainly be a crowd-puller if you’re trying to attract visitors to the area to sell houses. There’s even little alcoves to hidden houses. At the end the road backs onto a school which is a big turn-off for homebuyers unless it’s something you’re willing to reside there for. 


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