Wednesday 26 July 2023

Down in the Woods

There’s an interesting patch of countryside nestled on a main road linking a town and a village. It’s a clump of woodland that’s been separated by the road but there’s a car park built housed to host local walks around a nature reserve. You start by descending on a small woodland track and creep past a quaint pond. At the right time, it would make a great photo opportunity for some nature shots. After continuing on a woodland trail, we leave the reserve which is a shame as we haven’t had much opportunity to tour the rest of it and we wouldn’t want to miss out on any sights. A footpath descends through some fields which crosses over some stiles to the canal while giving you a view of the famous radio transmitter station in the distance. You’ve also got beautiful meadows and you may feel like skipping through them like a member of the Von Trapp family.

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