Saturday 8 July 2023

The Proof is in the Bag

 As I have no device to record the delivery of these items, I had to use my own phone to record which items were successfully delivered. It would have looked better if I had placed the items upon the doorstep, but at least my phone also recorded the location of where these photographs were taken. But what I couldn’t account for was the contents inside that scrunched up bag that’s been rattling along in the back of a van and it’s probably had a smoother transit on its journey into the country. The issue could arise from any number of points from the packing process at the manufacturer and at the depot, and all the shipping points in between. I’ve got no idea if there’s any parts missing or if there’s a completely different item inside altogether. And if a customer detains me to check, there’s very little that I can do other than take it back for them.

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