Friday 7 July 2023

"Determine never to be Idle. No person will have occasion to complain of the want of time, who never loses any. It is wonderful how much may be done, if we are always doing."

 -Thomas Jefferson.

It’s nice to be idle, but it feels that you’re wasting an opportunity to get a task complete. Sometimes we’re forced into this situation at the expense of others, though with a smartphone you can always download something to aid you, though it might be slightly distracting you from what you should be accomplishing. You’ve just got to remember to keep the device with you, and be sure that you’ve got enough power to accomplish the tasks that you need. Sometimes you’ll want less time so that you can move onto the next task as there’s nothing to occupy you and you’re unable to move on. At other times you’ll find that you just don’t want your current occupancy to end, but needs must require to move on otherwise you’ll feel guilty of your other obligations. If you can find a balance between the two then you won’t be far off from achieving your goals.

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