Sunday 30 July 2023

Final Ascent

It’s a long stretch alongside the last couple of fields. There’s still a few cows in the way but they don’t seem to bother us. It’s a tight fit to get to the other side but there’s a stile and a gate nestled in between a clump of trees with a main road in view. There’s some lovely vicarages with some beautifully converted buildings but at the top of the hill lies the village church. It’s a bit gothic with the steeple dominating the horizon. Beyond the gates lies a beautiful view of the fields but staying on the footpath leads you down the hill and straight back into the woods. All you need to do is climb the stile and you’re back on the track to the car park via the pond. Hopefully your car hasn’t been boxed in and that your neighbours and the local dog walkers have been kind to you..

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