Monday 10 July 2023

The Long Game

 Another classy area. It’s clearly not designed for large vehicles to come visiting to supply things, so finding a spot to turn around and much less put the van safely into a parking position can be a bit of a nightmare when there’s lots of parked cars around. Then you’ve got to work out the number system of the houses and find out where you’re actually going. It’s not a problem if you’ve got just one or two small items, but if you’ve got any large items it’s best to have a look around on foot before you do any heavy lifting. And one you return with the items; you’ve got to hope that they’re in so that you return emptyhanded as it would be a bit unprofessional to keep them waiting at the doorstep. But you never know. You might find an opportunity to park a bit closer. They might even come out to you but that creates a whole separate identity issue…

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