Friday 14 July 2023

Must be the reason why I'm King of My Castle

It’s an impressive mound. The moat instantly alerts her to the sound of any intruders as they’ll have to work their way through the water first. She can also focus on the sound of any grass or twigs rustling, though it may be too late by then. The cygnets might also restrict how she can turn or lean forward to defend herself, but at least she’ll see the attack coming. The height also gives her an added advantage for a dive defence. How quiet can an intruder be? They’ll certainly have to get wet. The majority of the water is behind her so she can focus on spotting shorter attacks from the land. Here she’ll just have to lean forward to deliver a hefty peck, causing the invader to lose their footing and falling down the mound into the water. She does look very comfortable and holed up, though she’ll have to leave sometime to obtain food.

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