Sunday 2 July 2023

The Engine Room

Tucked away next to the house is a beautifully preserved red brick building which formally used to house the canal’s pump room for the lock. It’s odd that the canal is still in use but the reservoir is no longer required to top up the lock. Perhaps it’s because the tunnel is now complete. It’s got beautiful decking and picnic benches in its grounds, and at one time I’m sure there was a little café there that used to sell refreshments to passers-by. Perhaps this was when it was owned by a company. It’s now sealed off to everyone by becoming private housing. The only thing that remains to remind people of its history is a formal plaque on the towpath. Making these buildings into residences may make someone some money, but it also seals off the premises for everyone else to enjoy. With a bit more entrepreneurial spirit, it might have been possible to  have made the whole area into an attraction. 


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