Friday 28 July 2023

Locked In

It’s nice and cool down by the canal. However, it also means that we’ve only completed a third of the walk and we’re not hanging around the locks for long. A ten-minute walk brings us to our next footpath for our return route. Unfortunately, the farmer’s had other ideas and has decided to re-route the footpath for a bit, making it difficult for us to see where we need to go. After crossing the footbridge, we must make our own way by climbing over a gate to get back on route. We reach the grounds of Hanbury Park, where at least the footpaths are well maintained and if we head east we can’t go wrong and won’t need to rely on any signs. There’s a few cows lounging about underneath the trees but they take little interest in us as they’re too focused on keeping cool. There’s also some interesting logs and trees scattered about.

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