Saturday 29 July 2023

Perfect Patenga

It’s always a risk when you’re trying something new, especially with a new takeaway. Will they understand what you want without having any strange interaction on the phone? Will they follow your instructions successfully and will be able to find your property in a reasonable amount of time? Will it be a good value meal? However, you know you should give it a chance when you hear that some of your friends have frequented it. So I gave it a whirl. I ordered on what might have been a quiet time of the evening but a man soon arrived at the door with a smile on his face who was happy to deliver my food without stopping for a tip. I got what I ordered for a perfect feast. I ordered a bit of pakora which was too much for one person as a starter, followed by a very creamy dhansak. Unfortunately, I haven’t yet had the chance to use them again. It’s either because of repeat habits and persuading others to use their service too!

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