Monday 17 July 2023

Runner Beans #dreamdiary 158

I’m in my local Wetherspoons with my friends. Oddly, all the tables are laid out symmetrically today to cater for four people per table. We sit down to order food via the app. The pub fills up very quickly. Even Stanley from the office has a table with his family. The food’s taking quite a long time to come out, and we’re all sitting there looking at each other trying to work out who’s ordered first. Waiters appear but mostly have drinks rather than food. Then our meal arrives. I’ve ordered a traditional Mexican chill with nachos and guacamole on the side. It comes on a silver platter with a pitta bread for dipping. It’s probably the messiest meal there is and I try to make a point of eating with a fork before giving up and just clawing in. As I’m dipping in, I’m realising that I’m the only person in the room who’s gotten their food. 

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