Monday 3 July 2023

Make it Longer

Visions of inanimate objects flying around the room  will be ill-conceived. For starters, the device can’t see what you’re pointing at or even if you’re holding a wand. You’ll look stupid. Instead, a prank is played by telling you in a child-like voice that you’re not saying it right, and you need to make the phrase longer. There’s a theory that if you’re stubborn enough, you could get into a very long argument. Eventually, you’ll be sitting there holding a note for as long as physically possible until you get bored, run out of breath, or dehydrate. But the device just gets bored of your attempt and just cuts you off so you don’t even get close to attempting it. Rude. I suppose you could make your ‘aah’ longer in other ways. It's worth playing around with some of the other spells, although the American accent doesn’t justify the fun.

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