Tuesday 25 July 2023

Did the Pages accompany the Knights far from home and into battles?

Yes and no. after all, not everyone is the same and everyone has their own set of circumstances. An old page though wise with access to a full armoury of knowledge and tactics, may wish to remain at home with his family and the knight allows this out of good trust and service and may appoint an apprentice in his place. Some apprentices would also be deemed too young to see combat and would be left at home to maintain the premises while the knight was away. Some would even flee at the very idea of having to ace danger. It’s nice to think that a page would be at a knight’s side at all times in battle, but this would mean that the page wouldn’t be part of an essential team’ he’d require skills for his own defence as well as being able to support the knight. In essence, he’d have to exhibit greater skills than the knight himself. In most cases, the page would stay hidden from danger, preferably at the knight’s side, and would only be called to the knight’s side when needed.

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