Friday 21 July 2023

Tidal Build #Vampress 15

The house began to expand. It seemed to be the draw of the town. People seemed to want to stay ear there as soon as possible. Properties nearby were bought out and turned into businesses on the outskirts and residences closer to the epicentre which were run-down at first then became more glamorous as the centre was reached. Then the houses seemed to join onto each other. All the while this was taking place, a tremor took place underneath the cliffside. Occasionally, this would cause a section of cliff to fall into the sea. Structural reinforcement was quick to follow, often at night immediately after the avalanche. The local church became engulfed by the new structure. The foundations looked to give it a heavy vacuity at first then suddenly it surrounded it, blocking any access to and from the building. Once it had engulfed it, it seemed to build over it until suddenly it was no longer on the landscape.

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