Sunday 9 July 2023

Indoor Snow

If you can’t have a white Christmas then what’s the next best thing? A plastic tub full of giant white cotton balls that you can use as snowballs! As well as making a great effect when entering a room, they’re of course great fun to throw at people with very little risk of getting hurt. It might be a bit different for any surrounding objects though. Structurally, they’re quite pleasing. They’re compact and don’t have any signs of fraying, and they’re satisfying to squeeze, just like a stress ball. There’s a small bit of weight to make e them heavy enough to soar through the air. And when the light shines on them, there’s a small shine as if they’re depicting real tiny ice crystals. You’re probably not going to find them all once your guests have gone home until about six months afterwards though, and that’s only if your guests are honest.

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