Sunday 23 July 2023

The Best Film of All Time

You’d think that an AI device would choose a film that would contain the greatest merchandise and tie-ins. As well as being able to purchase the film, you’d also order toys and accessories through its channels, giving it greater wealth and purchasing power. It’s difficult to pick such an item so you then might want to look at the soundtrack or the theme tune. But the movie it chose was Back to the Future, which made for the movies with perfect pop culture references from a variety of eras with comic timely moments and scenes that a lot of people can enjoy and identify with, though it’s a bit strange that a loner has a scientist as a best friend. How did that relationship even come about? Perhaps Brown is sworn to secrecy until the time is right. There’s also some hijinks that would get you arrested in today’s society without question. The film might have been family friendly at the time, but it certainly isn’t acceptable now.

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