Wednesday 12 July 2023

Enjoying the Trip

There’s an awkward step onto the vehicle that I drive. There’s quite a bit of height to enter the vehicle. On the side door, there’s a small step just before the cargo hold but if you’re not used to it you could trip and tumble over into the van. On the rear there’s a step just before the door, but it can get slippery when wet. It also doesn’t help that sometimes I drive different vehicles which have different heights and therefore there’s things in place or missing at times that make me misplace my foot, especially when I get used to a certain height. Exiting the vehicle can also cause an issue, and sometimes I land on the ground quite hard or collapse if I exit at speed without thinking. When I change vehicles to my regular car afterwards, it feels like I’m sinking in. I’ve really got to look where I step.

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