Thursday 19 October 2023

"My goal now is to remember every place I've been, only do things I love and not say yes when I don't mean it."

This is a delicate balance between treasuring everything you’ve experienced and the ultimate quote of the self. It may seem like a dementia patient trying to recall what they’ve done throughout their lives, or it could be someone that wants to recall their experiences in life no matter how exciting or unpleasant they are. But to only do things that you love is a bit of dictatorship. How do the people that share your life feel, or has it become empty? What about the things that you have to you like pay your bills, eat sensibly and doing basic maintenance? It must be great to have someone do all these things for you, but it’s hardly inspirational to the common person that you’ve got someone else to undertake these tasks. Perhaps the goal is to remember your journey so that others can aspire to be a lazy item like you. At least you’re being honest with everyone about it.

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