Friday 6 October 2023

The Station #Sherduck 10

The station was a special place. It was originally built as a hide by the humans to watch swans on the canal before they discovered that swans were too afraid to venture there. After some trees were felled, the humans decided to create a pond there to attract the swans and to help keep the canal from flooding. At the same time, they discovered that the forest was teaming with species so they fenced it off to stop the human boaters from interfering. This made an excellent base for the ducks since it was near a major water network. The humans were too lazy to reclaim it but just in case it was always patrolled by a surveillance team consulting of decoy ducks and a second security assault team at all times. This made it a fortress for the ducks. Buttons had just spotted Sherduck flying in across the reflection pool. He turned to one of the investigators.

‘Any news yet?’

‘Not yet sir, it could take a while. You may as well find a nest for the night.’

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