Saturday 21 October 2023

Water Park #dreamdiary 164

I’ve returned to the water park. It’s at a holiday resort that we’ve stayed in before. The adventure playground is amazing. Last time I spent ages looking for a specific waterslide section and it took me ages to find it. It didn’t take me long this time though. The tiled tunnels were a little small, but you could still scoot through on your bum and legs. At the end was a regular swimming pool for normal exercising. On the following day, I decide to get up for a walk and explore the treetop area. I remember that there used to be an amazing zipline. I find the bottom of the hill, but I discover that the zipline itself is no more. There’s a long ladder lying on the grass, but it’s broken into two pieces. It's a shame that no-one has made an attempt to fix it. At the top of the hill is a Taj Mahal which overlooks the cliffs of the sea. From there I can see the town. 

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