Sunday 1 October 2023

"Don't Stop Chasing Your Dreams, because Dreams do come True"

-Sachin Tendulark. 

It’s nice when things go your way. You might have to put a bit of effort in to achieve your goals, but it’s better than seeking out rainbows. Sometimes they look impossible and all the odds are against you, but if you know there’s a chance then why not give it a try? If you spend enough time and energy, you might be too tired to follow through in the real world but at least you’ll have a chance of dreaming up your dreams while you’re asleep. You may be in control of them, but you might wake up with a shock as you realise that there’s still a lot of work to do. And you have to believe. If you’re negative about them then things won’t go the way you want to. Keep moving forward, even if it means taking tiny steps. And the moment you stop trying is the moment that your dreams end.

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