Sunday 22 October 2023

Who Lives in a House like This? #hadzor

On the righthand side of the road is a triangular entrance to a wood. At the end of the drive is a rather large house, the kind of house you’d expect to find in a Western with prostitutes lounging on the balconies. The footpath will take you right past the entrance and into the field beyond. Bear northeast until you reach the road, and you’ll see the golf course opposite. Follow the road north past a cluster of cottages and the memorial hall on your left until you come to the entrance of a cul-de-sac. Continue directly north passing the remains of the tower, and pass the farm buildings. Before you reach the next farm cottage, you’ll see a sign for a footpath on your right. Follow the footpath east and it’ll link you up with a track road. After passing a wood on your left, take the north track which will take you across a series of fields to reach the main road. Once you’ve crossed the road there should be a gap which will allow you to access the towpath next to the canal, follow this west to return to the car park.


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