Friday 13 October 2023

What was it like to be a Native American on the Trail of Tears?

Devastating. You’ve just been kicked out of the place you call home. You may be able to take your hone with you, but your camp, your familiar surroundings and your comfort have all gone alongside the landscape that you’re used to. Everything is going to become new and unfamiliar. You’ve also got a long way to travel before you’ve got any hope of setting up that familiarity again. Each morning you wake with a sense of loss as you try to remember your situation each time. The only comfort that you can take are those that are with you; and you all grow weak with weary of the journey. Some of you may not survive. They’ll be buried or left behind, and you’ll either have to start recording your surroundings in more detail to memorise the grave or take the burden with you for burial upon arrival of your destination. You’ll also need to seek out supplies so the most direct route won’t be possible; and you may even have to go back on yourself to travel in a different direction as you’ll need to be re-supplied which will make your journey even longer.

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