Saturday 14 October 2023

The Bribe #Sherduck 11

Buttons sighed. While he was perfectly happy tucking himself in for the night, he knew that Sherduck would spend a late evening propping up the bar making deductions to any and all sundry; and after creating an audience Buttons would need to apologise for any outburst in case they’d need to take advantage of that particular team member’s services later. Buttons was sure that there was a retirement do for one of the office workers that evening so things could get rowdy if Sherduck didn’t get his way. He wondered if Sherduck was going to push them to work overtime; and after witnessing a lot of arguing and a packet being pushed in front of one of the technicians, he decided to open a tab. Little did he know that Sherduck had already told them that it was Buttons who would be sorting out a few drinks for them at the bar when they had finished the investigation.


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