Sunday 29 October 2023

Shake and Bake #titannabell 17

His hearing was a bit muffled, and he couldn’t see much, but he could make out some girlish laughter followed by his colleague laughing nervously. Titannabell scooped up the other guard in one hand. Her red nails hovered over the guard’s cuisse then began to dig into the armour. It didn’t take long for the nails to make a hole, then she peeled off the entire lower suit as if it was a banana. She then lowered the guard over her vagina.

‘Hold on tight boys’ she said. She slowly rolled over and used her huge weight to pound the guard into the floor. With each thrust, the whole room began to shake, and more dust descended from the ceiling, followed by a few extra cracks. On and on it went, and the guard couldn’t hear anything of his colleague because of all the noise of metal on concrete. ‘How isn’t anyone else hearing this?’ he thought.

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