Tuesday 31 October 2023

Are you Friends with the Queen?

Knowing royalty comes with its perks and duties. You may get invited to fancy soiree events but you’ll also be expected to keep secrets to earn their trust. You’ll be invited to exclusive locations with the most elegant food and extravagant entertainment. You may even be sworn to a conspiracy or two depending on the events that occur. You’ll be asked not to spread any gossip and maybe deny the presence of their company to others, but it’s all worth it for the invite to the next black-tie gig. Or you might merely correspond with her for business. You’ll deal with the administrative team and receive the stationary with barely a whiffle of one’s knowledge of you. If you’re lucky, you might receive a Christmas card signed with a rubber stamp. But you might use this arrangement to persuade others to do business with you so long as you keep the correspondence.

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