Monday 23 October 2023

King of the Hippies

He’s going for that hippy Jesus look. He has his hair long and curly if he’s going for the casual look, or straight tied back into a ponytail if he’s being more formal. His clothing is always threadbare, plain, and minimal. Expect shorts and sandals at most times. A perfect beard surrounds his pointy chin. He’s open to a pint and an odd strong puff or two if he can get it and he’s only representing himself. He’s in a position of power, maybe because he’s studied philosophy, but he doesn’t have that natural loud voice to be a leader. He prefers to listen rather than take part. But at least he’s honest and likes to ask others for their opinions before expressing his own, so he has the advantage of knowing when there’s conflict and can steer the conversation accordingly. He’s not afraid to express that something amuses him.

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