Tuesday 3 October 2023

Who is the rudest celebrity you have met, and who would be the nicest?

I haven’t met many celebrities. I’ve met Joanne Mailin at a beer festival, and Prince Charles before he became King. I’ve got Stephen Henry’s autograph, and I’ve also met some local MPs. Of course, not everyone knows these people. And there might be some big names out there that I don’t have a clue who they are or what they’re famous for. I might have brushed shoulders with some without even knowing since they’re not in their trademark clothes. It’s also a bit nerve racking when you do meet them since you’ve got to find a common ground for a nice conversation, especially if the encounter is unexpected. If it’s a public event, most will just sign what you put in front of them then ask you to move on unless you’ve got something to contribute. The easiest answer is to tell them what you admire of them, which adds to their ego; but you need to know what they do rather than just recognise their face on a screen. Otherwise it could be a bit embarrassing.

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