Wednesday 11 October 2023

Help me get Fit

This could be a regular morning routine. It could learn about my attributes and offer me a tailor-made program after asking a few questions. It could give me a small exercise program to complete each day, maybe to music. It could alternate in difficulty as the weeks go by. Or it could just give me directions to the nearest gym. My first attempt ended up with a five-step program giving me advice as if I was having a fit. Maybe it misheard me. I’m not panicking, I’m just confused. If I was panicking, I’d struggle to remember all these steps in quick succession. It asks me to understand that I will be tired (which I probably will be after exercise), and to get some rest as soon as I can. It’s an interesting regime. In summary, there’s very little that I do need to do to get fit. But this is coming from a device that just wants me to sit there and buy stuff from it.

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