Wednesday 25 October 2023

Taking you off the table

There’s something missing in this story. How did the seller know that the caller was a black man. Was it a video call? Or was it an overaction on the part of the caller making an assumption? The seller could have had their own preference of seller and was only required to advertise the sale for legal reasons. Or perhaps the buyer wanted to emphasise his own traits. Some may see this as the end but it’s really up to you to keep these issues in the limelight, and you might persuade them to give you a second chance or find someone at a different table who will want to make a similar or better offer. There are many ways to achieve your goals, and if one path closes there’s no reason as to why you can’t build your own. But beware of using cliches, especially if there’s no explanation as others may take them to be literal.

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