Thursday 5 October 2023

Exam Crunch #dreamdiary 163

It’s exam season. There’s only one part of the test that I’ve studied for as I’ve got no interest in the rest. Because of this, I’ve decided to save myself some time and treat myself to a lie-in so that I only answer the questions that I want. On the morning of the exam, it only occurs to me that I’ll only pass the course if I get 100% on the section that I’ve studied for. If I muck up, I’m going to be in trouble so it’s probably to answer some of the questions in the other sections as a back-up. I frantically dash into the examination hall and start scribbling. Hopefully I’ll be able to jot down a few short sentences to demonstrate my understanding of the subject. I realise that my results will be plotted on a graph like a set of rolling hills and that it’ll be a toss of the coin as to whether or not I’ll pass. Why do I always dream that things go wrong for me? Am I ever destined to get something right?

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