Wednesday 4 October 2023

Sniffing Around #Sherduck 9

Sherduck knew that it would be a while before the forensics team would have any useful information and Buttons would let him know as soon as it was available, so there was no point in heading back to the station straight away. He’d be better off using the solitude to do some pondering which was non-existent at the hide.

There’s something wrong with that duck’ he mused as he spotted a discarded half cigarette near the church door and sparked up with a lighter he kept under his wing. ‘All work and no play.’ As he leant against the door puffing away he noticed a lot of the other cigarette ends had been pecked at. ‘Might be worth prying into’ he thought. He opened a plastic seal bag, swept a couple of ends into it with his wing, sealed the bag shut with his beak then took off for the station. 


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