Thursday 19 May 2022

Recipe Ideas

I’m cooking at home this weekend and I fancy trying something new. I might make a bit of a mess, but as long as I clear it up afterwards and don’t destroy anything, all will be well. I also need to survive the experience, and it’ll be a bonus if it tastes nice. I’ve got three dinners to cover, and I’ve tried to use ingredients that I can combine in other dishes so that nothing goes to waste, which is harder to work out when you’re cooking for one. I was toying with the ideas of sausages in a Yorkshire pudding, which I could also stick into a pasta bake. I also got some fishcakes and thought about some mac and cheese, but then I decided to be healthy and serve it with mash and veg which would also go with the Yorkshire pudding. Then I found some healthy carrot and suede potato which I could just nuke then use half of it and reheat it the following day, which would be easier than trying to make it. Job done. 

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