Sunday 8 May 2022

You Shall Pass!

There’s a long, open road ahead, but we’re all going the same way. Or at least everyone thinks I am. We haven’t agreed upon a rendezvous or a stop off before we part ways. I don’t want the hassle of my friends tailing behind me or knowing the lengthy journey that I’m about to make as I head off course. Do I just pull over and give them some space? The trouble is that I’ve got an awful lot of driving to do. There’s only one irresponsible thing to do and that’s a risky overtake. The roads aren’t exactly friendly so I have to risk it for a biscuit as soon as there’s an opening. Now everyone thinks I’m a crazy idiot for undertaking such a manoeuvre. They’ve witnessed it, and I’m wondering if they’ll ever want to get into a car with me again. But on the plus side, I’m making progress on the day’s drive. 

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